Edy Topan

Edy Topan (Edy) is a native of Gorang of East Flores regency. He pursued a Diploma in State Polytechnic of Agriculty at Kupang, with a degree in Fisheries. Edy was born and raised within a coastal community deeply connected with the ocean, and his passion led him to a strong interest in marine conservation.

Edy has previously been a part of Yayasan Misool Foundation and Mobula Project Indonesia, non-governmental organizations dedicated to conserving and protecting endangered marine species such as sharks and rays. He’s also part of an important and challenging ‘Lamakera Project’ to transition communities from traditional manta ray hunting to sustainable livelihoods in Lamakera, East Flores. With his experience, Edy continued his career at Thresher Shark Indonesia.

At Thresher Shark Indonesia, Edy is working as Field Officer for Flores, responsible for developing outreach programs to increase community awareness and collecting the area’s thresher shark fisheries and manta rays data. He will also lead the engagement with local stakeholders for thresher shark conservation. His role will hopefully unlock more conservation opportunities for thresher sharks and other endangered marine species in Flores.